10 Benefits of Video Marketing

Part 1 of this presentation outlines the practical and statistical side of why video marketing matters. The second part of the presentation shows examples of a few types of videos that your business can produce. 1 – The benefits of producing video include 92% of B2B customers watch video online. 2 – The second reason …

Brad Schneider Addresses Local Businesses

Brad Schneider, (US Congress 10th district, IL) addressed the multi-chamber event on Friday, November 22, 2013 hosted by the Lake Forest/Lake Bluff Chamber of Commerce. The other chambers that were represented were Highland Park, Lincolnshire, GLMV, North Chicago and Waukegan. Schneider addressed many issues, including small business growth, jobs, the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and …

YouTube Content Marketing: Create, Curate, Spectate

Presentation for the Lake Forest/Lake Bluff Chamber of Commerce. I wish to thank all of those that came out to my “Mind Your Business” presentation on video marketing and YouTube strategy. I was able to cover a lot, from how to search Google and YouTube smarter and faster, to how to engage your audience by …

Video & YouTube Content Marketing Strategy

Highlights from the Video and YouTube Content Marketing Strategy presentation at the Media Marketing Conference. – 3 steps to successful video marketing – Bruce Himmelblau has a background in documentary filmmaking and marketing as well as video. As a full service video production company and YouTube Strategists, Blue Sky Video Productions puts that all together …

LinkedIn presentation

Inside LinkedIn: How to use the business social network and why

BSVP On-Site at the Lake Forest/Lake Bluff Chamber of Commerce Lunch. The featured speakers were, Natalie Blatnick & Katie Jansen, from GCG Financial. Inside LinkedIn how to use the business social network and why. It’s all about the Headline – Use an impactful headline that incorporate keywords that increase search ranking.   Natalie Blatnick is …