Powerful Cine Meter II for video and photo

Color Correction Calculator Bruce Himmelblau with BSVP On-Site at NAB 2017 talks with Adam Wilt. Cine Meter II is a powerful reflective, incident and color meter that runs on a smartphone. It also has spot metering  a waveform monitor, both luma only and RGB. This comes in very handy for looking at chroma key backgrounds …

Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve 12 BSVP On-Site

  BSVP On-Site with Blackmagic Design at NAB 2015 talking with Tina Eckman about just a few of the additions to DaVinci Resolve 12. Tina Eckman: It’s actually kind of interesting when you think about where the product has come in the last 5 years. I’ve heard from many customers, the improvements are so great. So exciting. We’ve …