Instagram for Business interview TheInstagramExpert

Sue B Zimmerman, @theinstagramexpert talks about how businesses can use Instagram to get more business and keep in touch with current clients.
Instagram is visual storytelling on steroids. Share what you’re passionate about and your purpose in a visual way so that people can relate to you through images. People process visual images 60,000 times faster than text. So it’s a really great way to showcase your business, your products and your services.

Instagram is more than just images, it includes both images and up to 30 second videos.

As a business, the advantage of being on Instagram is that there are over 300 million active users and growing. Facebook projects that to grow to 1 billion in 3 years. You can attract your ideal follower and build a relationship. With offers you can lead your audience through your sales funnel and collect email addresses and ultimately make money doing what you love.

Instagram is no longer just teens.
All the big brands and business owners are definitely on Instagram. The teens love it, but all they are looking for is giving and getting Likes. Business owners are looking for engagement and growing a community in a marketing space that they serve.

Sue B Zimmerman offers a intro to Instagram on to help businesses achieve success.

Social Media done right is not advertising. It’s engagement.

It’s also about building trust. Instagram help people get to know, like & trust you.

Follow Sue on Instagram @theinstagramexpert or @suebzimmerman

For a free Instagram Strategy Guide, visit

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