WEVA News: Verisign website authentication increases conversion rates

WEVA News: VeriSign pt 1 from WEVA on Vimeo.

These days it’s a matter of trust and businesses online have to be trusted in order to do business. There are a lot of threats out in the world today and consumers are really looking for some type of indicator that that website can be trusted. Not all websites can be big brand names like Amazon and Wal-Mart. In fact that the vast majority of websites are not. So companies that are small start-ups or online businesses can show the VeriSign Trusted seal on their website which that tells customers that they’re safe, as well as having an assurance that their information is safe.

Also there are benefits to the website owner themselves. You get increased traffic because that VeriSign Trusted seal shows up in search results. But then also you get the increased conversion rates. VeriSign has seen that when websites show the VeriSign Trusted seal on their site, that on average there is about a 24% increase in conversions over site that don’t show the seal.

[toggle Title=”Video Transcript”]Hi this is Bruce Himmelblau with WEVA News, we’re here at the SES Chicago talking with Bob Angus, Sr. Channel Marketing Manager at VeriSign and Symantec. Bob can you tell me about the importance of having VeriSign on a website.

Well these days it’s a matter of trust and businesses online have to be trusted in order to do business. There’s a lot of threats out in the world today and consumers are really looking for some type of indicator that the website can be trusted. Not all websites can be big brand names like Amazon or Walmart. The fact is, the majority, the vast majority of website aren’t. So how companies that are small start ups or just online businesses, they could show the VeriSign trust seal on their website and that tells customers that they’re safe, that their credit card that they’re entering in and buying something online that there’s an assurance that their information is safe. Now also, a big part of this is there’s benefits to the website owner themselves. You get increased traffic because the VeriSign Trust seal shows up in search results, but then also you get the increase conversion rates. We’ve seen when sites shows the VeriSign trust seal on their site that on average it’s about 24% increase in conversions over not showing it.

How can how can we find more about VeriSign?

We’re at VeriSign.com VERISIGN.com and look for the VeriSign trust seal.

Thank you this is Bruce Himmelblau, WEVA News.[/toggle]

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